
India Vision 2020 Sansthan

INDIA VISION 2020 SANSTHAN is a non profit , non political NGO registered, under society registration act, 1958 (RAJASTHAN) at jodhpur. Established I year of 2004 , it committed to the promotion of sustainable development initiatives with the goal of developed India. to achieve this dream beside our direct field workers we also provide support and partnership to other like mined people and rural volunteers. the basic aim to see that no humans being is deprived of his basic needs because of poverty and the organization also sees to support and nurture the talents which cannot await of proper facilities because of poverty the poor work hard and struggle to break the cycle of poverty that can span for generation. By building partnership , engaging local leaders and leveraging available resources, we develop integrated solutions to the underlying problems of poverty.

our volunteers educate and mentor children from orphanages , slum and village community centres across the country to give them a better future, which will benefit the as well as our country.the learning experience is mutual – our volunteers gain perspective and the experience to mould themselves into tomorrow's leaders.

Our History

Where all the other organization start with big resolutions , declarations , press conference , prime offices , costly furniture's etc. we started with the prayer to achieve the dream of a society based on equality and justice. this holy effort started on june 25 2004 with just 15 volunteers.

In the dawn of 21st century India is well prepared to be the world leaders. Our Honorable President his Excellency Dr. A. P. J. KALAM shared his dream with one billion Indians especially with youngsters. for all this Dr. KALAM set a dead line of 2020.

we execute development programmed as well as major thrust on advocacy for child rights, women and dalit empowerment , good governance and transparency to make the society free from injustice, poverty , corruption and hunger. we pay special attention for the capacity building and awareness of those in vulnerable situation such as unorganized artisans , labors, people living with chronic poverty , HIV/AIDS or Disabilities , children's , who are out of school , slum – dwellers living in very inhuman and unhygienic conditions and people whose land or natural resources(basic of livelihood) is under threat.

Our Mission

our mission at India Vision 2020 Sansthan is to give voice to the voiceless section of the society , to enable them to redefine their rights and fair opportunity to participate in development process.

Our Project

Education Project

Pustakdanam Abhiyan and Rural libraries

In a unique effort tp disseminate rays of knowledge to the interior villages of western rajasthan, India vision 2020 sansthan has ...

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Handicrafts constitute an important segment of the de-centralized/unorganized sector of our economy. It is mainly a rural based sector which has its reach in backward and inaccessible areas. Origin...

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Health Project

Free Fat check-up camp in rural area

Today on 03-02-2018 , a free fat check up camp was organized by india vision 2020 sansthan at shagun resort deewalia village. this ca...

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Organic Farming

Organically grown medicinal and aromatic crop products are not only readily accepted in the global markets, but also command higher prices than those cultivated using chemical inputs. Globalization...

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Dairy Farming

Modern dairy farming began in the early 1900s after pasteurization was developed and practiced. Pasteurization allows for a safer product and extends milk's shelf life by eradicating spoilage-c...

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Kaushal Vikas Project

Distrbution of sewing machines to women

Narendra Modi has often reiterated the need for Indians becoming job creators rather than job seekers. To address this issue India...

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